Your first mystery


Welcome volunteers. You are about to embark on a quest. A quest that will bring glory, or or you will just get it wrong. Lets start easy shall we?


Detective Nose reported to the scene of the robbery and immediately noticed that officers were already inside the store speaking with the owner. Since they looked occupied, Nose decided to take a look around to see what evidence he could collect.

The jewellery store was located facing a quiet street, attached to a small boutique on the right. A bright red canopy stretched across the building that seemed to add a touch of a class and elegance to the neighbourhood. As the detective walked around the building, he was careful to watch his step. The sidewalk was littered with broken glass from the large display window where Nose assumed the burglar had gained entry. Around to the left side of the building was a long alleyway that stretched as far as the Detective could see. The buildings that lined the alleyway had no windows facing the left side although he could see a few small air vents. To the back of the building was a steel reinforced door, which was locked.

Nose quickly drew a rough sketch of the scene in his notepad and then hurried off inside to join the officers. Fortunately, his arrival was just in time to hear the owner's recollection of the morning events.

"I don't really have much to tell you," the owner said. "I arrived this morning, albeit a few minutes late, to open up shop for the day. When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was the broken window. I took out my key and unlocked the front door. After taking a quick survey of what was missing, I phoned the police from the phone in my office. It is ironic since just last week I booked an appointment to have an alarm installed on the front door for early this morning. Our last system was outdated and was dismantled just yesterday in anticipation of installing the new alarm system."

The Detective took a quick look around and noticed many empty jewellery cases where necklaces, rings and other assorted treasures should have been and then he asked to have a private word with the police. They all stepped aside.

"He hasn't mentioned whether or not his jewellery was insured", said Nose, "but I'm willing to bet he is trying to commit insurance fraud!"

What lead Detective Nose to believe that the robbery was no more than an attempt at insurance fraud?

GIVE YOUR ANSWER ON THE ASK QUESTION YOU GOT BEFORE VISITING THIS WEBSITE :) If you want the answer you can contact me. Good luck, Wilco.


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